
Learning Enhancement

Learning enhancement in the primary school is informed by the needs of the students. It encompasses intervention, enhancement and diverse learning opportunities. Student needs are identified through various standardised, summative, formative and diagnostic assessment and responsive intervention and enrichment programs are engaged to support student development.

A range of school-based and external academic opportunities are offered to ensure girls have the chance to be challenged and extended, in addition to the class differentiated curriculum.  

The focus of learning enhancement is on early identification and intervention in the areas of extension and support. A Response to Intervention Model is followed:

   Extension Support
 Tier 1     

 Differentiated classroom curriculum, incorporating extension. 

Cluster Program

 Differentiated classroom curriculum incorporating adjustments, embedding individual student's needs.

Cluster Program.

Learning enhancement teacher or teacher-aide support in class

 Tier 2 Enrichment and extension activities at school and provided by outside agencies  Small group intervention in literacy and numeracy
 Tier 3

Alternate pathways; Whole and subject acceleration.

Independent research projects. Pathway is determined by off-level testing, educational psychologist report and IOWA report

 1:1 intervention with Learning teacher or allied health professional such as occupational therapist, speech language pathologist or educational psychologist. Referral is determined by diagnostic testing

Personal Learning Plans

Personal learning plans are developed for students with a diagnosed disability. This plan outlines adjustments the student requires to access the curriculum and all teachers are issued with these plans in order to make these adjustments.

English as an Additional Language (EALD)

In the primary school, students with EALD learn English by being immersed in the class curriculum, with learning needs met on a case by case basis. On arrival, the EALD student's linguistic level is assessed and reported using the NLLIA Bandscales (2nd Ed.) A profile of student's levels in four macro skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening - is shared with her teachers.

School Based Opportunities

Core Plus Cluster Program: Differentiated curriculum across all subject areas.
Challenge Club: This club is held in the primary library at lunchtimes each Friday. Extension activities will include thinking games, maths activities, philosophy and co-operative learning skill development.  
Think-a-thon Challenge: This enrichment activity with a problem solving focus is conducted twice a year. It includes individual and small group challenges.  

External and Competition Opportunities

G.A.T.E.WAYS workshops

G.A.T.E.WAYS Challenge  


Brisbane’s Writer’s Festival

QAGTC holiday workshops

Sleek Geeks Eureka Science competition

Opti-MINDS Challenge

G.A.T.E.WAYS Challenge